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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Botany Department

The Department of Botany teaches the students of B.Sc. Honours, B. Sc Programme and subsidiary subject for Zoology (Honours) students. The honours course is designed for students aspiring for in-depth acquaintance with essential elements of the biological sciences in general and plant science in particular. Over the years, the department has been nurtured with the hard work of faculty members. Besides disseminating education, many of the teachers are actively involved in research while others are developing e-learning content for different courses offered by the University. Students are imparted a thorough grounding in the core subjects to enable them to pursue a career in botanical sciences. They are ensured the best guidance, constant monitoring, well equipped laboratories and abundant research facilities.
To expose students to the rigors of working on the real world, the department provides opportunities for summer workshops with hands on experience with latest techniques in Biology. The department society "Taru Mitra" organizes various events thus providing ample opportunities for overall personality development of the students. Excursions are important in a Botanists life and every year the Department arranges atleast one for studying the flora of some interesting place. Over and above everything else, a student at this department is provided a hand that reassures, a mentor who guides and a friend who supports.
Our faculty members Dr. Charu K Gupta and Dr. Geetika Kalra are mentoring students during the summer vacation under ELITE fellowship programme of the college.