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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Electronics Department

The Department has an experienced and dedicated faculty. Their teaching experience is further augmented by their research contribution. The department has more than 100 research publications to its credit with frequent participation of the faculty members in various national and international conferences. The support staff of the department is highly co-operative lending full support to students and faculty. The electronics laboratories in the college are one of the best laboratories amongst various colleges of Delhi university and are enriched with various regular test and measurement equipments like CRO including 100 MHz digital storage oscilloscope(DSO), function generators, various types of power supplies, IC tester(Analog and digital), LCR-Q meters, Digital multimeters and other equipment. The laboratories also have some of the latest state-of-art equipments like microcontroller kits based on PIC, Atmel 8951, AVRmega, Renesas tiny series microcontrollers, advanced microprocessor kits and study cards, Universal Programmer, Xilinx ISE software, FPGA/CPLD based development kits, DSP kit, PCB Fabrication kit, Nano ammeter, Modulatable Lasers etc. It may be asserted that the above equipments are exclusive to Electronics Lab of our college in the University of Delhi. Students hands-on are not restricted to the boundaries of the University syllabi but students are encouraged to develop an independent work culture similar to the one followed in the industry and most reputed Universities worldwide like MIT. Students have been working on industrial electronic software like XILINX ISE where the implementations are verified on various types of FPGA/CPLD/PROMs. Circuit simulations and verifications are done by students on ORCAD. Department has a wide range of sensors and transducers with Digital multimeter based (DMM) and PC based real time data acquisition systems. They are also exposed to various aspects of optical communication by setting up of various analog and digital fiber-optic links, PC to PC communication using optical fibers. Our Electronics Department is perhaps the only one among the University colleges that has introduced Practical Modules for its students – a practice followed in all foreign universities. Students of the first year use these modules. Two teachers from the department are also doing a UGC Interdisciplinary Project titled "Investigating science Hands-on to promote innovation & research at undergraduate level".